Thursday, 22 December 2011

Adding a Signature

Hi everyone! I am still learning so much about blogging and in particular, how to personalise the appearance of my blog page. After many hours of trying to set up a live signature using Google, I managed to come up with something.

I used Photoshop to create my signature image. I uploaded it to Photobucket as you need a URL label in order to use it in Blogger.

The tutorial which worked for me was from the blog where I located the background template for my blog.  Follow these steps and hey presto, you have a live personalised signature!

One thing that I did find was that in a test post, there was a white box surrounding the signature. I decided to edit my signature but no matter what I did, or how much surfing on the net I did I couldn't create a transparent background.

My solution:

I took a screen shot of one section of the blog background where the posts feature and saved it as a jpeg. I went back to my original Photoshop signature file, added a layer and used the paintbucket tool to select the colour from the screenshot jpeg. I filled the background with this and now have a signature background that blends in with the blog background template. I then repeated the steps to upload this file to Photobucket to get a URL and just replaced this in the settings.

I am no expert, but if I find something more effective and not complicated I'll share it!

Have a great day,

post signature

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