Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Simon Says Stamp Plushies

Hello everyone! It's been terribly hot here in Sydney and I am so thankful for air conditioning! I have been working on something a little bit different and I can say that I am hooked....plushies! I ordered two sets from Simon Says Stamp last year and I have been busy making different owl and sun plushies. I have decided that this year, I will offer this as a co-curricular class for students when I return to school as I know that they will love making them as well.

To create the owls you need two main colours for the body and scraps for the rest. I started using hot glue to attach my pieces but found that a wet glue worked best for me.

I plan to display these owls in my classroom...great home decor pieces.

The Happy Sunshine is the actual plushie that I will make with the students. I suggest that if you plan to make this with children to use a wool needle as it has a blunt point and also a large eye.

Below is a video tutorial on how to create make this plushie. It is a beginner level and it is very back to basics.


wool needle, embroidery floss, felt, cotton balls, Simon Says Stamp Plush Little Owl wafer die, and Happy Sunshine wafer die

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Great tutorial and a fun project for your students.

  2. These look wonderful.. thanks for sharing the video too.. the students will love making these!!


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